If you've been in the aerial world for a bit, you've probably heard of S-Wrap and Z-Wrap (aka U-Lock). Maybe you’ve thought they’re the same thing, or maybe you’re a little fuzzy on the difference. Either way—let’s clear it up!
At first glance, these wraps look nearly identical, but a closer look reveals what sets them apart. Both are great for Windmills (aka Wheel downs), but only one of them is used for skills like your classic Double Star Drop. Do you know which one?
Understanding the difference is key as you progress into more intermediate skills. See below for a video breakdown and tips.
S-Wrap vs. Z-Wrap Breakdown
S-Wrap with Switchy-Switchy Entry:
Invert and hook your same-side knee.
Wrap your free leg for Catchers.
Hold the tail overhead with both hands.
Pike your legs forward of the pole to switch the knee hook.
Pass the tail around your leg from the outside in.
Switch the knee hook back to the initial side you started from.
Tail Position:
The tail drapes over the pole, which allows for skills like Windmills (aka Wheels Down).
If you pass the tail behind your back, it begins a Double Star Wrap. To complete it, you’d need to add a thigh wrap and a belly wrap.
To Exit S-Wrap:
Pass the tail to the same side as the hooked knee.
Reach up and under the knee, pull up, and either step on the silk to climb or step on the mat if you're low.
Z-Wrap with Switchy-Switchy Entry:
Invert and hook your opposite knee.
Swim behind you to grab the tail with the same hand as the hooked knee.
Pass the tail to the front.
Wrap your free leg using both hands.
Switch your knee hook and pass the tail from the outside in to complete the Z-Wrap.
Tail Position:
In the Z-Wrap, the tail is positioned underneath the pole.
To Exit Z-Wrap:
Pass the tail over your free leg by bending your knee toward your chest while keeping your heel toward your bum.
Switch your knee hook, repeat the same motion on the opposite side, and switch back to your initial knee hook.
From here, you're in a same-side knee hook—you can either Back Balance out or hook your knee again, climb above, and key over to exit through a Same-Side Climb.
Key Differences Between S-Wrap & Z-Wrap:
Tail Orientation:
In S-Wrap, the tail drapes over the pole.
In Z-Wrap, the tail is underneath the pole.
Skill Application:
Both wraps feel very similar once you're in them, but their exits differ.
There are other ways to get into both wraps, the Switchy-Switchy entries demonstrated here are the most similar.
S-Wrap is used for skills like Windmills, Double Stars and beyond.
Z-Wrap is also used for Windmills and some Star Variations, it can provide a more secure wrap.
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