Technique Tip is all about adding a little surprise to your belay entries! This intermediate pathway features beautiful shapes, a dynamic transition and a rewarding finish that makes it one of my favorites. I call it the Rebecca Split into Belay – and it flows beautifully from start to finish.
🎥 Watch the video breakdown below for step-by-step guidance, tips and key details to make it smooth.
Step 1: Begin from a Rebecca Split
Place a single foot lock on your right foot. The free silk stays in the opposite armpit.
Circle the free silk around your waist to your left side.
Grab the passed silk firmly next to your left hip, lean back and crochet your left foot up on the left pole.
Rotate your body into an arabesque or attitude position to arrive in Rebecca Split.
Step 2: Remove your Foot Lock
Left hand reaches high on the pole for support while your right hand reaches down close to your foot to remove your foot lock.
Step 3: Transition to the Belay Setup
Lean back while holding the tail tightly.
Bend your right knee toward your chest.
Step 4: Pass the Silks
Pass the silk in your right hand to the front.
The opposite silk moves behind you to the left.
Step 5: Position Your Legs and Arms
Press your right foot on the right pole.
Move your left leg behind you in either an attitude or arabesque position.
Step 6: Arrive in the Belay
To Exit the Belay:
Place the silk tails between your legs.
Step carefully and pass your shoulders and head through the silks.
Pull the slack out gently to finish.
Watch-Out Points:
Correct Knee Position:
After removing the foot lock, bend the right knee between the poles, not to the outside.
Silk Path:
The silk on the right side passes to the front.
The opposite silk goes behind you.
Grip Check:
Ensure your palms face upward – not down toward the floor before the rotation to Belay.
Right Arm Movement:
Focus on a big circular motion overhead with the right arm.
Lighten your grip slightly to feed slack through the silk.
Recap the Key Movements:
Rebecca Split - remove foot lock.
Bend the knee to the chest.
Pass the silks (right in front, left behind).
Palms face upward.
Press the right foot, extend the left leg behind.
Left leg passes through center.
Big circular motion overhead with the right arm.
Give it a try and tag @aerialphysique & #iloveap!